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DLG-Expert Stage @ProSweets 2024

28 - 31 January 2024

The major themes of the food industry are also intensively preoccupying the sweets and snacks industry: The trend towards natural, more healthy and sustainably produced and packaged foods is gaining in significance.

This is accompanied by increased costs for raw material and energy as well as feared regulations, such as the currently discussed ban on food advertisements targeting children, which frequently promote products that contain too much sugar, fat or salt. The manufacturers are also intensively working on the reformulation of recipes without noticeable sensory or technological deficits - challenges, which at the same time also offer the opportunity to differentiate oneself.

Is it possible to produce healthy sweets and snacks? How can we avoid littering? What is the status quo with regard to the Supply Chain Act in Germany? What options for implementing sustainability can be established in the sweets and snacks industry? Answers to these and other important questions are provided by our Expert Stage.

The key topics of the DLG on the Expert Stage:

  • Nudging (snacking)
  • Supply chain act - status quo Europe
  • Reformulation, ban on advertising sweets and snacks for children
  • Sustainability in production
  • Sustainable packaging

Challenges facing the sweets and snacks industry: from sustainability to healthy snacks.

The trend towards natural, more healthy and sustainably produced and packaged foods is gaining in significance. Presentations on the expert stage will show innovative approaches to overcoming the various challenges.

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Expert Stage - Programme

11.30 a.m.Sustainable french fry and potato chip production made possible by pulsed electric fieldsMadita Kirchner, Food Engineer,Elea Technology GmbH, Quakenbrück, Germany
 12.30 p.m.NovelSweets - sweet proteins as sugar substitutesDr. Stefan Rasche, Head of Department Plantbiotechnology at Fraunhofer IME, Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Aachen, Germany
11.00 a.m.Sugar reduction, putting science into practiceRimmer Woudstra, Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, Wageningen, Netherlands
 11.30 a.m.Cocoa-free chocolate: Are counsumers ready to switch?Ute Schellenberg, Head of Marketing & PR UND Laura Schneider, Lead Sales & Partnerships, Planet A Foods, Munic, Germany
 12.00 p.m.New Packaging Perspectives–Schubert's glue-free and hybrid packagingMichael Graf, Director Consulting, Schubert-Consulting a Unit of Schubert Packaging Systems GmbH, Crailsheim, Germany


12.00 p.m.Nudging sweets?Prof. Dr. Sibylle Adam, Professor of Nutrition, Head of Department of Nutrition & Home economics, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
 12.30 p.m.CAMM: A Sustainable Revolution in Food PackagingAnika Herrmann, Chief Development & Sustainability Officer, Camm Solutions GmbH, Hamburg, Germany


1.00 p.m.Cocoa-free chocolate: How can it be used in industrial applications?Dr. Sara Marquart, Co-Founder & CTO, Planet A Foods GmbH, Munic, Germany
 1.30 p.m.The German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains – Possible Consequences for (non-German) SuppliersDr. Andreas Müller, Founder and Owner, stem-in-foodsafety.de, Hollenstedt, Germany
 2.00 p.m.Flavor Express Water: Moisture & Temperature Determine the DirectionDr. Isabell Rothkopf, Team leader chocolate technology, Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV, Freising, Germany



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My Food – Personalisation and Nutrition

The DLG study focused on the question of what concrete opportunities and development prospects personalised food offers. More information you find here.

DLG Expert reports

Learn more about sensory, food technologies and nutrition here.


DLG Competence Center Food • Stéphanie Deveaux • Tel.: +49 (0) 69/24 788-256 • Fax: +49 (0) 69/24 788-336 • FachzentrumLM@DLG.org